Labels:bulletin board | crt screen | dirt track | earth | fence | road | sky | stairs | window OCR: Being muddied nebu done with learning and vexations The men the world are lum inous Hav will end shining bright much difference is there alone dull con fused Hov een "Ah and Oh!" "evil"? The alone vulgar a.m are urguiet clever and self-assured Bety Betr een good and which men fear Turbulent a.s the sea, Tha deed to be feared, Aim lessly adrift. is las. distant yet is the end of But, loneliness. The people of the world all havea purpose en ovous and merry alone am stubborn and different All fpartaking of the sacrificial ox, And value draw ing sustenance from a.m imbing placia, up the spring been terra given ice no the great mot ther having sign. new born babe vet to smile less alone forlorn. Horr eople the world have enough TE and to spare have noth Belne lgar unquiet terrace mother placid ...